Womb & Fertility Massage Therapy
Womb & Fertility Massage Therapy is a fusion of bodywork techniques that are drawn from many traditional cultures. Each treatment will be a blend of leading-edge techniques such as Abdominal Sacral Massage, Rebozo, Pulsing & Guided Visualisations to create a unique massage experience, according to the needs and requirements of each client at that time.
Womb and Fertility Massage Therapy is a deep yet gentle, non-invasive treatment that focuses on improving circulation to the womb & abdominal organs, in turn helping to improve blood, nerve and lymph flow.
The massage also focuses on releasing physical and emotional tension, helping to loosen harden debris (that has been accumulating in your gut for years) encouraging a natural movement and clearing both physical and emotional congestion, leaving you and your abdomen feeling lighter and freer.
This beautiful bodywork is a wonderful way to deeply honour and nourish Women. There are many physical benefits of this modality (read below) This modality is deeply relaxing and helps Women to truly let go and unwind as they receive beautiful therapeutic care. The treatment ends with a sacred Womb blessing and restoration of the soul practice that holds a Woman deeply as she receives her own soul essence.
Womb & Fertility Massage Therapy can include:
• Abdominal Sacral Massage
• Pulsing
• Castor Oil Packs
• Flower Remedies
• Rebozo Technique
• Reiki/Healing
• Guided Visualisations
Womb and Fertility Massage Therapy can assist with the following:
• Painful and irregular menstrual cycles
• Hormonal imbalances
• Miscarriages and difficult pregnancies
• Fertility Problems
• PMS/ Depression prior to menstruation
• Fibrosis
• Migraines
• Bloating
• Pre and Post menopause symptoms
• Ovarian and breast cysts
• Stomach Cramps
• Digestive disorders
• Sexual Trauma
• Stress
• Childhood Traumas
• Held in emotions
Who is this treatment for?
This is deeply nourishing therapeutic modality for all women to receive to increase womb health, connection and vitality. This modality brings greater spiritual connection and awareness to a woman’s sacred power centre, her womb space. Women on a fertility journey can receive extra physical and emotional support on their journey. The womb is our creative portal to birth all we wish to create in the world including babies but also our jobs, relationships, creative endeavours; all are birthed from our creative womb space. Giving attention and love to this space within us increases the vibration and frequency of all that we birth in the wold.
What to Expect During Womb Massage Therapy
Initial Consultations
Upon booking your 90min session online you can to complete comprehensive consultation form.
In the initial consultation we can discuss your womb health and fertility journey if you are on one, and any emotional aspects that may arise, which will then be followed by a full Womb Massage Therapy treatment.
The Womb & Fertility Massage Therapy Treatment
Treatments start with you receiving the lumbar, sacral and gluteal massage. We are mostly comfortable with receiving back massages, and by starting here, you will have time to relax, slow down and become accustomed to my energy and touch. When massaging your abdomen, you will be receiving touch from your pubic bone up to your rib-cage, and will include a beautiful blend of oil techniques, pulsing, rebozo and guided visualisations. You will be nurtured, nourished and held in a safe place to allow you to release deep seated emotions that may be blocking your energy.
Self-Care after the treatment
After your treatment, you will receive follow up support with information on delicious feminine self-care practices that you can do at home that include castor oil packs yoni steams, menstrual charting and fertility lifestyle advice (if needed)
To book a session click this link: https://BookwithJacquiWard.as.me/
Womb & Fertility Massage Therapy Practitioner Training
Brisbane May 2nd – 5th
New Zealand February 15th – 18th